cf.Objective() 2008 Reflections
2008 May 05
I really picked a winner for my first Coldfusion conference. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend every session that I wanted, so I guess I'll have to come back next year! It's really hard to pick a favorite, but the Agile, Coldspring and Coldbox workshops all stand out.
Over and above the excellent content and presenters, I got to meet and hang out with some really great folks. I'd start name dropping y'all, but you know who you are...
The evening meals had a lot of variety. First there was the fabulous Brazilian churrascaria steakhouse Fogo de Chao, then two classics White Castle and Mickey's Diner, and finally the wonderful Sakura topping it off.
Big thanks to Jared, Steven and the entire steering committee for putting on a great conference!